Sunday 22 May 2011

All FaceboOk Chat SlaNg cOdes

Slang’s have become very common in chat’s,Sms,emails.People new  to these slang’s find really difficult to understand converstion.On the other hand it saves a lot of time and effort if slang’s are used.I will give the most commonly used Slangs with there meanings that are used in facebook chat or Sms

Here are the Most Commonly used Facebook chat slang’s
ASAP    As Soon As Possible
GN         Good Night
M/F       Are You Male or Female?
ASL        Tell me your Age,Sex and Location
IDK        I don’t Know
SD           Sweet Dreams
BRB        Be Right Back
JK            Just Kidding
Tnx        Thanks
BTW       By The Way
K               Okay
TY           Thank You
ROFL      Rolling on Floor Laughing
LOL         Laugh out Loud
TTYL     Talk to you later
FYI          For Your Information
LMAO    Laugh My Ass Out
WTF        What The F**k
FB             Facebook
LMFAO     Laugh my f**king ass off
WTH      What the hell
GM          Good Morning
LMK       Let Me Know
zzz          Sleeping
BFF        Best Friends Forever
Jk           Just kidding
B4          Before
L8          Late
gr8        great
plz        please
sry       sorry
bbz       babes
kk         okay
kl          cool
This List is far from Complete but it has the most commonly used slang codes in facebook chat.If I missed some then do share them with our readers by posting comments.

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